Our Mission and Vision Statement
Golden Maple Leaf Seniors Association (Maple Leaf Club) is a non-profit, community-based organization. It managed by a Board of Directors who is elected every year at our Annual General Meeting. Golden Maple Leaf Seniors Association provides seniors with recreational space and acre about the well-being of seniors and every week, Golden Maple Leaf Seniors Association offers various recreational activities and support to meet the diverse needs of older adults and seniors. For more than three years, we’ve established a membership system that improves seniors’ well being to foster their ability to involve in community activities.
Golden Maple Leaf Seniors Association helps seniors through providing seniors -centered recreational activities and services programs to meet the needs of muti-cultural background of seniors in Toronto.
We envision all seniors in our community are living happily, be respected with dignity and integrity, and with equal right to access all social activities.
What We Do
Our programs and services are as follows, you can see that the programs of Golden Maple Leaf Seniors Association are for everyone: every senior treated with equality and every member has the right to vote their board of committee.
Our Services Include:
Senior Tai chi groups (Tai chi boxing, Tai chi sword, and Tai chi fan)
Senior dance groups (Chinese folk dance; North American rehearsals; ballroom dance, etc.)
Senior leisure activities: playing chess.
Transportation assistance;
Friendly visiting
We also have volunteers age ranging from age from 20 – 80
我们的整体服务方案如下面所示,你可以了解到,在金枫叶老年协会,这个计划是为了大家, 也是为每一个人而制定,每一个老年人都受到平等的对待,每个会员都有投票权来选举他们的理事会成员。
我们的志愿者的年龄范围从20岁 到 80岁。
Golden Maple Leaf Seniors Association focus on reflecting the diversified cultural background of Scarborough, whether you are born in Canada or came here later in recent years, you will find your friends at olden Maple Leaf Seniors Association
Our programs are available in three languages (English, Cantonese, and Mandarin).
Everyone matters
Golden Maple Leaf Seniors Association is a not-for-profit organization that provided realistic and meaningful program to foster the ability of independence for our seniors. We adheres the principle of everyone matters. Our programs tailored for those who need improve their health conditions or those who feel loneliness in their senior age advance, for example we run dancing and Tai Chi classes. We also visit seniors in their homes and conduct telephone counseling to inquiry their daily life demands.