Work With Me

july 20,2013
About Us
july 20,2013
Founded in 2010 and registered in 2012, Golden Maple Leaf Seniors Association is a registered non-profit community organization dedicated to serve Chinese Canadian Seniors. We aim to improve Chinese Canadian seniors’ quality of life by developing and increasing their interests in arts, culture and recreation. For the past 3 years we have held recreational programs, Tai Chi and dancing, every week at community school for elderly Chinese Canadians. We have jointly organized more than 30 community events such as earth day celebration event, visitation to senior’s homes, women’s shelter visitation, large-scale Chinese culture events. Our dance and fashion show programs have been selected to perform in largest Chinese Lunar New Year Celebration Gala in Toronto for 2 consecutive years. We have earned many support, assistance, and approval from local governmental and community organizations, and have received many press coverage over the years especially amongst GTA Chinese media, newspapers, magazines and websites.
Our programs would support social participation and inclusion of seniors, enhance their body and mind fitness and well-being, help to build seniors self-confidence and self-respect, and improve the image of Chinese Seniors in society. We would help to enable the seniors to live more happy and healthy, and to better integrated in the Canadian life and society.
Golden Maple Leaf Seniors Association
联系我们 Contact Us
地址 Address:35 Glendower Circt Scaborough Ontario (Northeast of Birchmont and Hungtingwood ) M1T 2Z3
联系电话 Tel:647-728-7009
网址 Website:www.gmlsa.org 邮箱 Email: mlcc.to@gmail.com